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GPA Partners

  /  Tenders and Contracts   /  Ex I.R.V.E. Turin

Ex I.R.V.E. Turin

A new victory for Studio GPA Partners!
In collaboration with the Settanta7 studio, Manens-Tifs S.p.A. and Restorer Allegra Carlone, we won the tender for the project to bring the building into compliance with fire regulations, renovation and restoration of the building called “Ex I.R.VE.” of Turin in Corso Unione Sovietica.

The complex of the Ex I.R.VE. is a building of historical-artistic, environmental and documentary value, an example of architectural typology with a social purpose and brick building technique of Antonellian extraction. In 1880, in fact, the direction of the Hospice of Charity ordered the construction of a new headquarters and through a public competition, the construction was entrusted to the architect Crescentino Caselli (1849-1932), a pupil of Alessandro Antonelli, designer of the Mole Antonelliana.
Today, that same building has become the headquarters of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Turin.

For the specific initiative, GPA will take care of the co-design of the architectural works and the structural design.