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  /  Tenders and Contracts   /  “Gerolamo Cardano” park for sustainable innovation

“Gerolamo Cardano” park for sustainable innovation

In collaboration with the Rossiprodi Associati S.r.l studio (lead partner), Sbarch Architetti Associati and the geologist Massimo Compagnoni, we won the tender for the “Construction of the new Research and Training Center of the University of Pavia, as part of the development of the new “Gerolamo Cardano” Park for sustainable innovation”.

The area subject to intervention is located in the north-west area of ​​the city, in the immediate vicinity of the engineering center of the University and the main IRCCS and research centers of Pavia.
For a total work amount of approximately 6 million euros, the intervention is part of an overall planned process of urban regeneration to be implemented by the University of Pavia, which involves all 3 campuses into which the University is divided (Centre Historian – University Institutes – Polo Cravino), according to a systemic and integrated vision. Particular attention must be paid to the landscape elements ensuring consistency with the natural, agricultural and anthropic landscape.

For the specific initiative, GPA will take care of the preliminary, definitive and executive co-design of the structural works and the plant and fire prevention design.