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Ex Meyer area, Florence

The projects are made of ideas, innovation but also of HISTORY and some are more so than others.
Today we want to tell you and trace with you the historical features of a new project that is very important for us but above all for the entire community of the city of Florence. In collaboration with CSPE S.r.l, the Settanta7 studio and Geo-Eco Progetti, we were awarded the FINAL AND EXECUTIVE DESIGN AND WORK MANAGEMENT FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF BUILDINGS 1 AND 2 OF THE EX MEYER AREA IN FLORENCE.

This complex of buildings was built by Mrs. Anna Meyer starting in 1887 with the aim of offering the city a facility for the medical care of children. Over time there have been volumetric additions and transformations of the structures with the same beneficial purpose and always with a view to offering one of the most modern and up-to-date medical assistance of the time.

Today two of these buildings come back to life and breath to house new public administration offices with the main objective of adapting the two buildings in order to create places to protect the well-being of workers, for better participation and productivity, providing for a modular organization of the spaces and greater flexibility of the same to new and different needs that may arise over time.