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New Widespread Museum Serrapetrona (MC)

The seismic sequences that hit central Italy in 2009 and subsequently those of 2016 worsened the conditions of the social and economic fabric of a large area of ​​the country. The entire municipal area of ​​Serrapetrona was affected by seismic events of significant intensity causing enormous damage and devastation to public and private real estate.

The seismic improvement/adaptation project of the municipal building called “Le Casacce”, located in the historic center of the town, fits into this scenario, through a systematic set of works aimed at the recovery of the property.
The intervention is part of a broader program to enhance the historicized settlement of the village; with a view to recovering and re-functioning public-owned buildings and promoting new cultural activities, it is planned to include the building within a museum system spread across the entire municipal territory.

The project of the new museum focuses on some key themes, with the aim of improving the internal space without altering its historical characteristics:

THE CONNECTIONS: a new iron staircase, with light and clean lines, connects all three levels of the building. A single entrance allows the user to enter at the lowest level and to walk through the entire building in a linear and continuous way.
SPACE AND LIGHT: the creation of false walls allows on the one hand to regularize the exhibition space, creating new centralities and suggestive spaces, on the other it allows to create spaces in which to house electrical and mechanical systems.
THE FLOWS: The routes of the visitors are very distinct from those of the museum operators, who have a space reserved for them distinct from the exhibition route.
THE ROUTES: The exhibition space can be navigated fluidly, based on the perceptions of the individual user.
ACCESSIBILITY: All environments are completely accessible to all types of users.